Saturday, December 26, 2015

Purest Love

For unto you a Saviour is born; He is Christ the Lord (Luke 2:11)

Long ago, one silent night, God revealed His glory bright.
His own mage came to man for salvation’s matchless plan.
Jesus, Saviour, Shepherd, King – Lord of all to you we bring.
Praises, wonder, thanks, and love For this gift from God above.  ~Daysprings cards

 What a beautiful concept to know and hold on tight to in our hearts! God’s love is at the heart of every Christmas. His love came down to us; he sent His Son to us, to walk this earth and show us another way to live our lives – a more righteous, most excellent way.

 It’s a scary thought when taking the step, but once you’ve stepped out, once you entrust your life to Him you’ll reap the riches of his love and blessings that he pours out. You’ll experience a peace that the Bible describes as that which ‘surpasses all understanding’ (Philippians 4:7).

 His love is unconditional, loyal, faithful, ceaseless, boundless, unending, unwavering. His grace for us we cannot outrun.

 We could never earn his heart nor His love; His gift, of His only Son, Jesus, is given freely without expectation of anything in return. That is what grace is. Our attempt of goodness falls far short of His. All our Lord God asks is that we seek to live our lives that are fruitful for Him, to surrender our hearts and accept HIS gift of salvation.



Sunday, December 6, 2015

We Stand in Victory

  • Jesus knows the devil is defeated.
  • Satan knows that he is defeated.
  • Some of us know that the devil is defeated.
  • But the great victory comes when the devil knows, that you know, that he is defeated

v1. In Christ alone, my hope is found
He is my light, my strength, my song
This cornerstone, this solid ground
Firm through the fiercest drought and storm
What heights of love, what depths of peace
When fears are stilled, when strivings cease
My comforter, my all in all
Here in the Love of Christ, I stand.

v3. There in the ground, his body lay
Light of the World, by darkness slain
Then bursting forth, in glorious day,
up from the grave he rose again!
And as he stands in victory, sin's curse
has lost its grip on me

For I am his, and he is mine
bought with the precious blood of Christ

(emphasis added).

Thursday, October 22, 2015

Saviour King

The LORD is my rock and my fortress and my deliverer; My God, my rock, in whom I take refuge, My shield and the horn of my salvation, my stronghold and my refuge; my Saviour... 2 Samuel 2 v 2& 3

For your unconditional love, unending grace, abundant mercies, countless blessings and faithful fulfillment of your promises, we worship you xx

Friday, October 9, 2015

Divine Protection

A devotional from the 'Word For Today', September 13, 2015.

When the angel of death visited Egypt, only those whose doorposts were painted with lamb’s blood were protected from ‘the destroyer’. And the blood of Jesus [the Lamb of God] is still your best protection from the enemy who ‘…prowls around like a roaring lion, looking for someone to devour.’ (1 Peter 5:8 NLT).  Jesus' atoning death on the cross was to secure forgiveness of our sins (Ephesians 2:12–16).

Christians have also been sealed with the Spirit of God (Ephesians 1:13), and our salvation is assured by the Lord (Romans 8:38–39). So when Satan confronts us he knows he cannot ultimately succeed... but he still wants to try and make us stumble. Generally speaking, he’s looking for an ‘easy mark’. Just like a thief who cases your house for a hole in your security, Satan be on the lookout for a weakness in your life. But if you ‘put on the whole armour of God, [you’ll] able to stand against the schemes of the devil’ (Ephesians 6:11 ESV), and he’ll have to move on.

  Ephesians 6:13-18: ...Put on the full armor of God, so that when the day of evil comes, you may be able to stand your ground, and after you have done everything, to stand. Stand firm then, with the belt of truth buckled around your waist, with the breastplate of righteousness in place, and with your feet fitted with the readiness that comes from the gospel of peace. In addition to all this, take up the shield of faith, with which you can extinguish all the flaming arrows of the evil one. Take the helmet of salvation and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God.

God put a hedge around Gomer, the prophet Hosea’s wife, a promise that He would always draw her back to her husband. He said, ‘…I will fence her in with thornbushes. I will block her path with a wall to make her lose her way.’ (Hosea 2:6 NLT).

Before your family leaves home in the morning, remind them of Christ’s ultimate ‘hedge of protection’—His victory at the cross. Remind them to stand firm in the finished work of Jesus, wearing the whole armour of God (Ephesians 6:10–18). In prayer speak out His promises (Psalm 118:6, Psalm 27:1, James 4:7) and ask Him to safeguard you and your family throughout the day, directing all your paths away from wrong influences.'

     God is not out to ruin the supposed 'fun things' in life that the world tell us we miss out on if we don't join in, and we must be a part of. In fact God seeks to protects us from a whole lot of baggage, regret, hurt and consequences by providing His Word, the Bible as a 'guide to life'...and if we listen to the wisdom we read and follow it's advice, and seek to live a life that ignores everything that Satan throws in our face, life becomes filled with Him - a heart full of joy, a strength only He can give to face the uncertain and tragic times and the reward of spending eternity in Heaven when we die.

Tuesday, September 29, 2015

When We Don't Understand

A devotional from the 'Word For Today', September 15, 2015.

'When you don’t understand what’s happening in your life, start with what you know for sure; namely, that God is good all the time, and His ‘…love for those who respect Him continues forever…’ (Psalm 103:17 NCV)

He’s not fickle. He doesn’t bless you one day and curse you the next: His mercies…are new every morning.’ (Lamentations 3:22–23 KJV). But there are things God chooses to reveal to us, and ‘secret things’ He doesn’t—for our own good. Writer Beth Jones says: ‘If God keeps a secret from us, it’s for our benefit and the benefit of others… For example, He doesn’t go around blaming, tattling or disclosing our sins, weaknesses, unbelief, carnality, selfishness or pride to others.

When things happen, God knows why… Secret things belong to the Lord. And when He reveals something to us, it’s because He wants us to walk in that truth by faith. For example, He reveals His character and His will in His Word… so we can live by faith knowing that He’s good, fair, kind, generous, merciful, faithful, gracious, patient, and He’s in the saving, healing, redeeming, restoring, sanctifying, and blessing business.

Things revealed belong to us. When we don’t know why… here’s what we know for sure. God’s Word is truer than our circumstances or experiences… and just because He knows everything about us doesn’t mean He tells us about everything. We also know that when things look bad, God is still good.’ The Lord gave, and the Lord has taken away; blessed be the name of the Lord.’ (Job 1:21 ESV) No matter what happens or doesn’t happen, at the end of the day—God is still in control and worthy of our praise!' (Desperate Prayer)

  Faith is believing in that which is unseen and unknown; faith is confidence in what we hope for and assurance about what we do not see (Hebrews 11:1). We have faith in a wonderful God who sees all things and knows all things and reveals some things to us in His timing. Some things are best left untold and unknown, and He does just that for our benefit.

We just need to wait on Him and TRUST Him. It's not always easy, but worth it. Ask Him to help you, and He will.


Wednesday, September 23, 2015

'Pour out your hearts before Him...'

A Daily Devotional that has been wonderful encouragement.

'Pour out your heart before Him...' ~Psalm 62:8

More than anything else in life, Hannah wanted a son. And as the years passed she wrestled with disappointment and despair. ‘…and [Hannah] was in distress of soul, praying to the Lord.’ (1 Samuel 1:10 AMP) However, she did two things that worked—and they’ll work for you, too!

(1) Instead of turning away from God, she turned to Him. Instead of praying less, she prayed more. She knew that while her husband couldn’t give her a child, God could. She may not have been happy with God’s timing, but she never doubted His goodness. Unfortunately, one of the things we’re tempted to do when things fall apart is to avoid God’s presence. That’s a mistake, because He’s the one you need most! Yes, it’s hard to pray when your heart is breaking. But unless you’ve prayed with a broken heart and a deep sense of your need, you’ve never really poured out your heart before God, or learned what the Bible truly means by prayer.

(2) She didn’t just think about what she wanted, she also thought about what God wanted. ‘…she made a vow, saying, “Lord Almighty, if You will…not forget Your servant but give her a son, then I will give him to the Lord for all the days of his life…”’ (1 Samuel 1:11 NIV) And shortly after that Samuel was conceived. When you’re willing to make a promise to God that He can hold you to (which is what a vow is), you’re getting serious about prayer. And that’s when God will get serious about your prayer as well! So, ‘pour out your heart before Him.’

  A couple of weeks ago I watched a beautifully inspiring and powerful movie. 'The War Room' - enlightening the power of prayer. We need to 'pour out our hearts' before God and plead to Him our worries, so he can do what only He can do. We must recognise Him and His power and ability to do what we cannot. Then we need to step aside and allow Him to do it. Just TRUST Him!

Saturday, September 5, 2015

For thou art with me

Even though I walk through the darkest valley,
I will fear no evil, for you are with me;
your rod and your staff,
they comfort me 
~Psalm 23:4
In the final moments of Andrew Chan and Myuran Sukumaran's lives, their testimony of steadfast love, devotion and faith in Christ Jesus stood firm and spoke volumes to a global audience.
Andrew had come a long way in his life from being addicted to and selling heroin at the age of 14 to ending up in a Balinese prison for a decade, facing the death penalty on a daily basis, then being sentenced to execution, then being shot in the heart by a Javanese firing squad while staring at the line of men when rifles aimed at him.
What did he do? Accounts of his and the other seven prisoners last moments have been recounted.
I'll never forget the pain that pierced my heart upon waking to the news that Andrew and Myuran had been executed. It was devastating - the injustice of taking the lives of these men that had sincerely repented, sought forgiveness and changed their ways and had sought to invest in the lives of countless others around them.
   On transfer from Kerobokan prison to Nusakambangan (execution) island, with limitations of the number of possessions they could take, both men took a Bible - Andrew Chan's being one that he was given by his family weeks after his arrest — which he describes as his most treasured possession.

One of Chan’s last messages to his family and friends during his final days was: “I’m proof that Jesus is alive, give glory to Jesus..."
..."everything that (has) happened was God's will. Not a single feather would fall off a sparrow, without God permitting it."

Chan and Sukumaran told Pastor Tuhu they still believed in miracles and that God would save them but, if they were executed, it was (and they would accept that it was) part of God's plan.

The comfort they had was that firstly God's ways are not our ways (Isaiah 55:8) - that there is a powerful reason why their lives were being allowed to be taken. It was their hope that many would hear their testimony - their story of God's saving grace - the message of Christ's suffering and offer of salvation, in the weeks and months and years since their execution. Secondly, they were soon to meet their Saviour and spend eternity in heaven with Him.

   As the eight prisoners walked onto the field they sang Amazing Grace; as they were tied up and as they died they sang Bless the Lord O My Soul (10,000 Reasons). Pastor de Vega stated that the moment "...was breathtaking. This was the first time I witnessed someone so excited to meet their God."

   Andrew's eulogy read at his funeral:

'Thank you all for gathering here on this day to witness something great. It's a day that I will arise from my own coffin, right now as the words are spoken, in Jesus' name, arise... I know it is a sad day, we would have all wished it didn't come to this. However it is funny that even in death there's still a lesson to be learnt.

We learned that we do not need to be old to die, nor do we need to have something wrong with us. But we learned that when it's time to go home, God has the kitchen table and sink ready. Every person that is sitting here now has impacted my life in one way or another. The truth is, you have all taught me just as much as I have taught you. If I had to thank everyone individually, I don't think I can place them on one sheet of paper.

...Another person I learned so much from is my wife, Feby. She has taught me the meaning of love and endurance, peace and much more. As I said, to all of you gathered here today, taught me something valuable in life which I have learned to cherish. Treat each day as a diamond, for each day is valuable, as you can never buy it back. Learn to use it doing the things you love, spend it with the people you care for most, because we just never know when we will say goodbye.

My last moments here on earth I sing out 'Hallelujah!' I ran the good race. I fought the good fight and came out a winner in God's eyes and men. I do have a story to tell, that story's determined by you all on how you witness me. Ask yourself: 'What did I leave with you?' That will determine my legacy. I leave now in peace and love. I pray that you will all know how I valued and treasured you. Treasure your love and friendship. As you all leave here today, who will you witness to, today?'

Love, Andrew Chan.

Dear reader, I pray for you as I write this post - be encouraged and KNOW that God is in control even when it feels like all hell is breaking loose, when you feel confused or life is just stagnant. Continue to SEEK Him and His will for you, LOVE Him and SERVE Him in all things; and THANK Him in the good times and the bad for loving you and sending His only Son to die so that you could choose Him and live with Him in heaven.

Just keep reading His Word, the Bible and keep praying - and ask a Godly mentor to pray with and for you too.

Saturday, April 4, 2015

And people still don't believe...

I heard a saying once that the distance between heaven and hell is 12 inches (or 30cm)...
       The distance between your head and your heart.

How true this is - Christianity is about having a personal relationship with Jesus, a personal relationship with the God who created ALL things...

Too much to take in really, isn't it? That the God who created the universe and every living thing that inhabits the earth, cares about us! He wants a relationship with us!

Religion and Faith are two completely different 'things' - they are poles apart - literally like the North and South Pole.

Religion says "do", Jesus says "done".
  Religion is all about rules and workmanship - you have to earn your way to heaven.

  Faith in Jesus is about accepting that we aren't perfect, and no matter how hard we try, we will never be perfect. It is about acknowledging that, apologising for all the wrongdoings in your life, and then making the commitment to do follow Jesus and seek to live your life and exhibit the same qualities as Jesus did when he walked the earth - qualities such as servitude, compassion, patience, meekness, forgiving, kindness, gentleness, self control, non-judgmental, giving, sacrificial, committed, humility, obedience.

   There has been a huge uprise against the imminent executions of two convicted Australian drug smugglers in Indonesia. Why? Because of the injustice of such punishment on two changed and rehabilitated men. Men who have completely turned their lives around in the 10 years that they have been incarcerated. When such repentance has clearly been displayed - not just in their words, but in their actions; the question is... where is the forgiveness? And as Andrew Chan said earlier this year, "what does it take to get a second chance?"

One of the last things Andrew Chan said to his family and friends before both he and his companion convicted smuggler Myuran Sukumaran were transferred to the Javanese execution island, to await execution by firing squad, was "I’m proof that Jesus is alive, give glory to Jesus..."

On his pre-dawn early departure to the island, one of the few possessions that Chan took with him was his Bible, that which was to him given in the weeks after his arrest by his family — he describes as his most treasured possession.

Jesus changed this man in way that no doubt Chan - entrenched in the wicked dark dungeons of the drug world - quite possibly never imagined, never contemplated or even thought possible. Yet Chan met Jesus and was so overcome with his goodness, grace, mercy and sacrifice, that Chan made the life-changing decision to turn his back on his 'old' way of life and embark on the journey of his 'new' life.

'The old has gone and the new has begun!' ~2 Corinthians 5:17

Just weeks before he was transferred to the execution island, Chan was ordained as a Christian minister. He spent six years studying and has been described by an Australian senior minister as  'extraordinary, (with) such a determination to learn, in fact almost a desperation... I have never experienced a student like Andrew, and probably never will again.'

Chan's passion is so real, deep and passionate because he has experienced the other side of life - he knows all that he has been saved from. He has been saved from going to hell - saved from an eternity of agonizing suffering, pain and torment. He has been given 'freedom'; sounds contradictory and ironic considering that he incarcerated in Indonesia... however the kind of freedom I am referring to is that within - freedom from the burden of sin.

People think it's 'crazy' until they themselves experience Jesus for themselves... it happens time and time again... you only have to look at Andrew Chan - caught up the dark world of evil, totally reformed and transformed by Christ Jesus. AMEN!

And people still don't believe...

Friday, March 6, 2015

You never know the impact a kind word can have...

One day, when I was a freshman in high school, I saw a kid from my class was walking home from school.
His name was Kyle.
It looked like he was carrying all of his books.
I thought to myself, "Why would anyone bring home all his books on a Friday? He must really be a nerd."
I had quite a weekend planned (parties and a football game with my friends tomorrow afternoon), so I shrugged my shoulders and went on.

As I was walking, I saw a bunch of kids running toward him.
They ran at him, knocking all his books out of his arms and tripping him so
He landed in the dirt.
His glasses went flying, and I saw them land in the grass about ten feet from him.
He looked up and I saw this terrible sadness in his eyes; my heart went out to him. So, I jogged over to him and as he crawled around looking for his glasses, and I saw a tear in his eye.
As I handed him his glasses, I said, "Those guys are jerks. They really should get lives.”
He looked at me and said, "Hey thanks!"
There was a big smile on his face. It was one of those smiles that showed real gratitude.
I helped him pick up his books, and asked him where he lived.

As it turned out, he lived near me, so I asked him why I had never seen him before.
He said he had gone to private school before now.
I would have never hung out with a private school kid before.
We talked all the way home, and I carried some of his books.

He turned out to be a pretty cool kid.
I asked him if he wanted to play a little football with my friends, he said “Yes”.
We hung out all weekend and the more I got to know Kyle, the more I liked him, and my friends thought the same of him.

Monday morning came, and there was Kyle with the huge stack of books again.
I stopped him and said, "Boy, you are going to really build up some serious muscles with this pile of books.”
He just laughed and handed me half the books.

Over the next four years, Kyle and I became best friends.

When we were seniors, we began to think about college.
Kyle decided on Georgetown, and I  was going to Duke.
I knew that we would always be friends, that the miles would never be a problem.
He was going to be a doctor, and I was going for business on a football scholarship.
Kyle was valedictorian of our class.
I teased him all the time about being a nerd.

He had to prepare a speech for graduation.
I was so glad it wasn't me having to get up there and speak.

Graduation day, I saw Kyle. He looked great.
He was one of those guys that really found himself during high school.
He filled out and actually looked good in glasses.
He had more dates than I had and all the girls loved him. Boy, sometimes I was jealous.
Today was one of those days.

I could see that he was nervous about his speech.
So, I smacked him on the back and said, "Hey, big guy, you'll be great!"
He looked at me with one of those looks (the really grateful one) and smiled.
"Thanks," he said.

As he started his speech, he cleared his throat, and began:
"Graduation is a time to thank those who helped you make it through those tough years. Your parents, your teachers, your siblings, maybe a coach... but mostly your friends... I am here to tell all of you that being a friend to someone is the best gift you can give them… I am going to tell you a story."

I just looked at my friend with disbelief as he told the story of the first day we met.
He had planned to kill himself over the weekend.

He talked of how he had cleaned out his locker so his Mom wouldn't have to do it later, and was carrying his stuff home.

He looked hard at me and gave me a little smile.
"Thankfully, I was saved. My friend saved me from doing the unspeakable."
I heard the gasp go through the crowd as this handsome, popular boy told us all about his weakest moment.

I saw his Mom and dad looking at me and smiling that same grateful smile.
Not until that moment did I realise its depth.

Never underestimate the power of your actions. With one small gesture you can change a person's life.
For better or for worse.
God puts us all in each other's lives to impact one another in some way.

Look for God in others.

Wednesday, February 4, 2015

'I'm lost without a cause'

We have moments in life where we feel we reach our breaking point.
Moments where it is all too much, it has become beyond our sense of ability to handle, to cope with, to overcome.
For some it is all too much - they can't see a way out or a light at the end of the tunnel and meet with a tragic outcome.

In total despair, who to turn to?
At your wits end, what to do?
Hurting, confused, lonely, lost, feeling alone in a world full of people...
"Where is all this coming from? Why must I endure such heartache?" we ask...

One day at a time - Keep his word 'close to your heart', so that your mind does not become overcome with negative thoughts (Psalm 119:11a).

'Pray without ceasing' (1 Thessalonians 5:17)

'...Pour out your heart like water in the presence of the Lord. Lift up your hands to him...' (Lamentations 2:19b)

'My salvation and my honor depend on God; he is my mighty rock, my refuge. Trust in him at all times, you people; pour out your hearts to him, for God is our refuge' (Psalm 62:7-8)

'I look to you...' (Psalm 123:1a). '...My eyes are fixed on you, Sovereign LORD; in you I take refuge' (Psalm 141:8a)

As I lay me down
Heaven hear me now
I'm lost without a cause
After giving it my all
Winter storms have come
And darkened my sun
After all that I've been through
Who on earth can I turn to?
I look to you
I look to you
After all my strength is gone
In you I can be strong
I look to you
I look to you
And when melodies are gone
In you I hear a song, I look to you
About to lose my breath
There's no more fighting left
Sinking to rise no more
Searching for that open door
And every road that I've taken
Lead to my regret
And I don't know if I'm gonna make it
Nothing to do but lift my head
I look to you
I look to you
And when all my strength is gone
In you I can be strong
I look to you
I look to you
And when melodies are gone
In you I hear a song, I look to you
My leave's have broken, my walls have come
Crumbling down on me
The rain is falling, defeat is calling
I need you to set me free
Take me far away from the battle
I need you, shine on me
I look to you
I look to you
After all my strength has gone
In you I can be strong
I look to you
I look to you
And when melodies are gone
In you I hear a song, I look to you
I look to you
I look to you

For we know that you O Lord are faithful and just, rich in mercy and love.
We know that 'The Almighty is beyond our reach and exalted in power; in his justice and great righteousness, he does not oppress' ~Job 37 v 23.

Have mercy on me, my God, have mercy on me,
    for in you I take refuge.
I will take refuge in the shadow of your wings
    until the disaster has passed.

I cry out to God Most High,
    to God, who fulfills his purpose for me...

My heart, O God, is steadfast,
    my heart is steadfast...

I will praise you, Lord, among the nations;
    I will sing of you among the peoples.

For great is your love, reaching to the heavens;
   your faithfulness reaches to the skies.

~Psalm 57 v 1,2, 7, 9, 10

Jesus said in the days before his crucifixion that his "soul was overwhelmed with sorrow to the point of death" (Matthew 26 v 38b). He was about to endure the suffering of the cross and was sorrowful and troubled by it (v 37b). He spent much time in prayer with his Father in Heaven and ultimately surrendered his own will to his Father's, and accepted what was ahead of him and that it was for a purpose: "Not my will, but yours" (Matthew 26:39c).

This is true in own lives. You can almost hear God saying "Hang in there, the strength to handle this crisis and the wisdom to know what to do will be yours if you’ll just go a little further, stay in My presence a little longer, and dig a little deeper into My Word [the Bible]. If only you knew how close you are! Trust me, I have a purpose in mind for you."

 '...But those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint' ~Isaiah 40 v 31

Sunday, January 25, 2015

"The Lord is My Shepherd"

A profession of joyful trust in the Lord as the good Shepherd-King.

The beautiful poetry of the King James translation of the Bible is something to savour. Although at times particular old English words can cause some misunderstanding, Psalm 23 is a passage that requires no additional translation.

It is a Psalm that many know off by heart.

The simplistic beauty of the Twenty-Third Psalm provides us light, insight, promise, assurance and peace in the knowledge that God in His awesome, magnificent, glorious and graceful ways 'will never leave nor forsake us' (Deuteronomy 31 v 8).

There are two main parts to this psalm: the Shepherd and His sheep; and the Host and His guests.
 The Lord is my Shepherdthat’s a RELATIONSHIP.
The Lord provides and protects but is also our King (cross ref John 10 v 11-15).

I shall not wantthat’s SUPPLY.
Satan desires to deceive those who trust in God, and wants them to believe they are lacking and deprived of the good things in life. David tells us that to have God as our shepherd is indeed to have everything we want – true contentment of the soul. He who is all-knowing, all-powerful, and all-caring, is enough; He is sufficient. With Him we need nothing else (cross ref Psalm 73 v 25-26)

He maketh me to lie down in green pasturesthat’s REST.
To lie down in contented, secure rest.
‘Green pastures’ is a metaphor for all that makes life flourish.

He leadeth me beside the still watersthat’s REFRESHMENT.
Leads like a shepherd – cross ref Isaiah 40 v 11.
“Water of resting places” i.e. waters that provide refreshment and wellbeing.

 He restoreth my soulthat’s HEALING.
While a shepherd provides his sheep with food, rest, and restoration, God provides His sheep with His Word, which is the principle means of giving spiritual nourishment, rest, revival, refreshment and restoration (cross ref Psalm 19 v 7a).

He leadeth me in the paths of righteousnessthat’s GUIDANCE.
Guidance is recognised as one of the principle tasks of the shepherd. As a shepherd leads his sheep to places in paths that offer safety and well-being, taking care to avoid those that are dangerous; the Lord guides us in ways that cause us to be secure and prosperous in our hearts.

For his name’s sakethat’s PURPOSE.
The measure of a shepherd is the condition of his flock. God’s work of saving men by grace (through giving His Son Jesus to die on the cross for our sins) was for the purpose of bringing ‘praise to the glory of his grace’ (cross ref Ephesians 1 v 5,6, 12, 14).

Thus, the prosperity (of joy and love) in our hearts that we share with others in this world, brings honour to His name in that the love we have and show one another is the love that God himself has for us that displays  his goodness and graciousness.

 Yea though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death that’s TESTING.
In order for God’s sheep to be led to grassy meadows and restful streams, they must pass through dark and dangerous places. The ‘paths of righteousness’ (v. 3) are not always peaceful paths.

I will fear no evilthat’s PROTECTION.
While we are never promised there will be no evil, we can be assured that we need ‘fear no evil’ if we follow Him. 

For Thou art with methat’s FAITHFULNESS.
God goes before us when the path is smooth, but He stands beside us when the way is dangerous and frightening. It is His presence which dispels our fears. 

Thy rod and Thy staff comfort me that’s DISCIPLINE.
His 'rod' and 'staff' give us comfort, serving as instruments of protection, guidance and assistance; both used to ward off enemies and to rescue straying sheep. Disciplinary use of the ‘rod’ is also implied. Discipline seems unpleasant at the time, but is a comfort in the long term (cross ref Heb. 12 v 5-12) and a motivation for us to make our paths straight’ (Heb. 12 v 13). While God may not always use His power to keep us out of trials, we can be reassured that His presence and His power will always be with us to keep us through our trials. As He Himself said, ‘I will never desert you, nor will I ever forsake you’ (cross ref Heb. 13 v 5; Deut. 31 v 6; Joshua 1 v 5).

 Thou prepares a table before me in the presence of mine enemies that’s HOPE.
Here the second allegory begins. A magnificent banquet is provided by a most liberal and benevolent host; who has not only the bounty to feed me, but power to protect me; and, though surrounded by enemies, I sit down to this table with confidence, knowing that I shall feast in perfect security.

 Thou annointest my head with oil that’s CONSECRATION.
'Consecrated' means to be set apart, dedicated; precious to the Lord for choosing to serve Him.
Perfumed oil was poured on the heads of distinguished guests, when at the feasts of great personages.

 My cup runneth overthat’s ABUNDANCE.
Satisfaction, significance, and security are all abundantly supplied.

Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my lifethat’s BLESSING.
Goodness and lovingkindness are probably the two most comforting attributes of God’s character; they are especially consoling in times of distress. God not only walks before us, leading us to places of rest and refreshment, but His goodness follows us from behind as well.

 ‘All the days of my life’: through all its changes; in every variety of situation; until I reach its close. Life indeed does end, and we ought not venture to speculate when that would be; but as long as life continues, we should confidently be assured that everything needful will be bestowed. The language is the utterance of a heart overflowing with joy and gratitude in the recollection of the past, and full of glad anticipation (as derived from the experience of the past) in regard to the future.

And I will dwell in the house of the Lord that’s SECURITY.
To 'dwell' means ‘to spend one’s life in’… constant service of God with pure joy, peace, love, gratefulness, praise and worship, like that which is forever perfect and abundant in the place where God dwells, and where His Son, Jesus prepares a room for each one that trusts in Him (see John 14:2)…

Forever Now that’s ETERNITY.
…in His eternal dwelling, Heaven.

The blessings and the calmness of soul which David experienced in his life and expressed in this psalm are a delight to know and experience. Assurance of them in our lives is a simply beautiful concept. We must be one of His sheep. In the words of the Good Shepherd Himself: “My sheep hear My voice, and I know them, and they follow Me: and I give unto them eternal life; and they shall never perish; neither shall any man pluck them out of my hand” (John 10 v 27-28).

He tends his flock like a shepherd: He gathers the lambs in his arms and carries them close to his heart’ ~Isaiah 40 v 11a

 It is amazing to ponder that in order to become the Good Shepherd our Lord first had to become a sheep—‘the Lamb of God’ (John 1 v 29), and give his life so that we might be able to live with Him in Heaven! (John 10 v 15).

 May you ‘live a life worthy of the Lord and please him in every way: bearing fruit in every good work, growing in the knowledge of God, being strengthened with all power according to his glorious might so that you may have great endurance and patience, and joyfully giving thanks to the Father, who has qualified you to share in the inheritance of his holy people in the kingdom of light. For he has rescued us from the dominion of darkness and brought us into the kingdom of the Son he loves, in whom we have redemption, the forgiveness of sins’ ~Colossians 1 v 10-14.

 Let us grasp that God Himself never fails us, never leaves us, and never will forsake us. Know His voice and Follow Him! KNOW in your heart that he holds those he loves close to his own heart.