Tuesday, July 18, 2017

Trust in His Goodness

Over the past couple of months, I had been feeling overwhelmed by the prospect of inevitable change. The thought and knowledge of such change both excited me with anticipation of adventure, journey and growth, but instilled nerves at the thought of coping with it all. I regularly read the daily devotional tab on the App: 'Vision Christian Media'. One evening when I was feeling overwhelmed, the devotional for the day, as detailed below, brought me much reassurance and comfort. It moved the cloud from the judgement and put things into perspective. Titled 'Trust In His Goodness', the devotional was based on the bible verse ‘The Lord is good.’ from the Old Testament book of Nahum ch 1 v 7.

     ~~We read in Exodus 32 v 1 that ‘when the people saw how long it was taking Moses to come… down the mountain, they gathered around Aaron. “Come on,” they said, “make us… gods who can lead us.” Why did Israel make a golden calf? Because they wanted a god they could see. It’s harder to relate to an invisible God, and Moses, His representative, stayed on Mount Sinai so long [that] the Israelites felt helpless and abandoned. So they did what we do when we’re scared—resort to the comfort of the familiar [often staying inside our comfort zone].

Mark D. Roberts writes: ‘How often do we find ourselves in a situation like the Israelites? We ‘hear’ God’s call to something new, and boldly step out in faith. But when we don’t sense His presence [either before or after stepping out in faith], and our prayers seem to [or feel like they] bounce off the ceiling, we feel abandoned, scared, and helpless. We grasp for the familiar.’

The Bible says, [as we read in Nahum, The Lord is good… He cares for those who trust in Him.

Nancy Ortberg says: ‘The difficult parts of change are most often where God lives… All the things I glibly say, in change I have to live out… Most of us go kicking and screaming instead of moving into it with an assuredness that not only is God on the other side, but new facets of Him that we haven’t heretofore understood are also there. Whether it’s the death of a loved one, a job loss, a move across the country etc—if we allow ourselves to push through the difficult parts we’ll discover God is there… and He’s entirely, wonderfully, amazingly, good.~~

Reading this made me realise that I am worrying and prolonging my worry when I should not be. Yes it was and is normal to be concerned, but I needed to give it to the Lord and let it go. I needed to 'cast my fears on him'. The word 'cast' refers to that which a fisherman casts out his net to catch fish in the ocean. 

I was fearful of big change. Then I prayed, with tears streaming down my face - 'Lord I know that you have plans for my life - you tell me so in Jeremiah 29 v 11 - plans to prosper and not to harm, plans to give hope and a future. I know that you are a good and gracious King. Gold is formed out of fire - Lord I feel do overwhelmed by the daunting process and inevitable experience of change, but it is exciting and I know that you are and will be with me always. It will be a good thing both personally and professionally - I will grow from this. Please Lord help me, give me your PEACE, STRENGTH AND COMFORT; and remind me when I am feeling burdened to continue to 'cast' my anxiety and fears on you.'

I encourage you to seek the Lord's strength and guidance. He will help you through it! Trust in Him: in His goodness; His kindness; His mercy; His compassion; His unconditional love and HIS PLAN for your life.

When God closes one door, He opens another—but you must be willing to walk through it.

Concept idea and basis for text taken from Word For Today Australia. Emphasis is mine.

Friday, July 7, 2017

Your worth is based on the blood of Jesus

There are times in life where we doubt ourselves in aspects of all things. Times when we feel vulnerable to the uncontrollable elements of our lives. Thoughts of “it is too hard”… “I don’t think I can do this”… “Am I ‘good’ enough’ – am I in the running”…

Satan, is called “the accuser” Revelation 12 v 10, who comes to “steal, kill, and destroy” all things good in our lives. The truth is, he wants us to forget who we are and see ourselves only in the light of our flaws and failures. He wants us to fail and keep failing.

I drove past a church message board the other day and read this message: We try to fix things with duct tape, but Jesus fixed it with nails (underline emphasis mine).

How beautiful! The REAL truth is – we are children of God, our souls cherished so dearly that Christ died for us. He bled for us and suffered for us so that we might choose Him and LIVE!

Our flaws and failures matter no more – why? Because Jesus died for us. We are ‘covered’ by His blood. What a precious precious thing! Yes, we have faults. Yes, there are things about us that need to be changed, but God is working on us just as He is on everybody else. We are all at different stages of refinement – some more advanced than others, but it is our unique journey that we are on.

Do not allow others to make you feel worthless or useless because they do not treat you or love you as they should. Don’t spend your life trying to win their acceptance or approval, they are mere imperfect mortal humans, just like the rest of us! The REAL truth is, we have already been accepted and approved by God because He made us and His one and only Son died for us. Therefore, make sure your validation and sense of worth come from Him. Yes, we appreciate acceptance from others, but don’t let that be the focus of measuring your worth!

Trust in His love, His unconditional love; His graciousness: His mercy; His compassion: His kindness;  and His goodness (refer to Psalm 145 v 8 and 103 v 8).

(Concept idea and basis for text taken from Word For Today Australia.)

The lyrics of this hymn are beautiful. 'Nothing But The Blood of Jesus'.

1: What can wash away my sin
Nothing but the blood of Jesus
What can make me whole again
Nothing but the blood of Jesus
For pardon this I see
Nothing but the blood of Jesus
For cleansing this my plea
Nothing but the blood of Jesus
Chorus: How deep the store of Jesus' love
How rich the flow that cleanses us
How great the debt I owed
Now it's nothing by the blood of Jesus
2: What can break the pow'r of death
Nothing but the blood of Jesus
Life and hope unto the earth
Nothing but the blood of Jesus
What satisfies the law
Nothing but the blood of Jesus
What opens heaven's door
Nothing but the blood of Jesus
3: Nothing can for sin atone
Nothing but the blood of Jesus
Nothing good that I have done
Nothing but the blood of Jesus
This is my hope and peace
Nothing but the blood of Jesus
This is my righteousness
Nothing but the blood of Jesus
Words: Robert Lowry. Music: Michael Morrow © 2004
CCLI Song # 5200137