Saturday, August 5, 2017

Do not fear; be reassured and filled with joy!

As mentioned in a recent post, I have been struggling recently with change - the potential, possibility and likelihood of it - some it will depend on decisions I need to make, however the majority is out of my hands - the Lord knows and it is part of his plan.

One evening, I amazingly came across (at the perfect time) a very befitting daily devotional reading and it brought much comfort and peace to my heart... it is based on two Bible verses:

‘I have called him… and he will succeed in his mission.’ Isaiah 48:15
God told Jeremiah, ‘Before you were born, I set you apart for a special work.’ (Jeremiah 1:5) 

When we give our lives to the Lord and allow Him to be in control, five things happen:

First, there is a call. God asks common people to do uncommon things, like Peter getting out of a boat and walking on water.

Second, there is fear. When God called Moses to stand before Pharaoh, he basically said, ‘I’m not a good enough speaker; use somebody else.' [God didn't ask Moses for his opinion, God already had chosen Moses because He saw him fit for the purpose. Moses, like us, despite being fearful, needed to be obedient and trust in Him - we can't see the bigger picture BUT God can, so in faith, we must trust Him.]

Third, there is reassurance. The thought of filling Moses’ shoes must have shaken Joshua to the core, so God told him, ‘As I was with Moses, so I will be with you.’ (Joshua 1:5)

Fourth, there is a decision. Sometimes we say ‘yes’ to God and sometimes we say ‘no’(aka obedience or disobedience). When we say ‘yes’ we live with joy; when we say ‘no’ we forfeit that joy. But there’s always a decision. [The joy comes from knowing that He is in control and trusting Him to bring things to pass for our good - both difficult times to help us grow and good times to bring us happiness].

Fifth, there is a changed life. Those who say ‘yes’ to God’s call don’t walk perfectly, not by a long shot. But because they say ‘yes’, they learn and grow even from their failures. Indeed, their failures often become part of their ability to minister to others. And those who say ‘no’ to God are changed too; they become a little harder, a little more resistant to His calling, and a little more likely to say ‘no’ next time. Is God calling you? Maybe it has to do with your work, or your relationships, or your money, or facing your biggest fear. God’s call will go to the core of who you are and what you do. Saying ‘yes’ to Him is the best decision you’ll ever make. Amen!!

[bracketed] = my addition to the reading taken from Australia's Word For Today.

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