Saturday, January 25, 2014

Religion vs Relationship

So many times, I have had conversations with people who do not know the joy in knowing Jesus and having a relationship with Him. Discussions with them of their perception of a 'Christian life' has made realise, people are confused by it all. Confused of the difference between religion and faith. Yes a difference does exist.

"Are you religious?" This a common question that I am asked when conversations arise and my thoughts and practices significantly differs from the 'status quo'. My answer is always the same - "No I'm not religious, but I have a belief and a faith. There is a difference between the two."

They look at me puzzled. I go on to explain the difference being that one is inward (in the heart), the other is outward (in the mind). People can be religious without being Christian.

Religion tries to fix us from the outside - outlining rules that tell us how to behave: when to go to church, when to pray, how to dress etc. It can be a tremendous burden continually aiming to please the religious requirements imposed upon us. This is what negative perceptions of a 'Christian life' are based on - a life filled with rules, that's not fun and that there is no room for joy or enjoyment from life. A religious person is judgemental - they point the finger at others with the motive to promote and elevate themselves. They forget though, that by pointing one finger at another, three point straight back at them...

"Why do you see the splinter in your brother's eye but not notice the log in your own eye?" ~Matt 7:3

Christianity however, is really about God wanting to fix us from the inside, through a relationship with Jesus which can only be established through genuine repentence (sincere regret from one's wrongdoings) and admitting that we need a Saviour, to save us from our sins (separation from God). A 'true Christian' is Christ-centred - they seek to possess and exhibit character qualities that Christ himself showed.

It is beautifully summarised by the words in this poem.

A life of faith and not of sight (2 Cor 5:7)
A life of love, a life of light (1 John 5:2, 1 John 1:7)
A life of hope, a life of prayer (Heb 3 & 6, 1 Thes 5:17)
A life that ends in glory fair (Rom 5:2)
A life of persecution here (2 Tim 3:12)
And yet a life of heavenly cheer (John 16:33)
A life warfare to the end (2 Cor 10:4)
Though 'tis a life of peace we spend (John 14:27)
A life that's hid with Christ in God (Col 3:3)
A life secured through Jesus' blood (1 Cor 6:20)
A life that has a goal in view (Philippians 3:14)
A life of satisfaction true (Psalm 107:9)
A life of fellowship divine (1 John 1:3)
A life that's here for doth shine (Matt 5:16)
A life of child's simplicity (2 Cor 11:3)
A life of glorious liberty (Rom 8:21)

~J. D. Stenhouse


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