Friday, January 31, 2014

Time is but a vapour

Standing on the beach shoreline tonight, watching the light fade, I thought "I cannot believe that today is the last day of January... where does the time go? Where does it seem to disappear to?"

As a child I was oblivious to 'time' and enjoyed each day as it came. As we mature and grow older, we become more aware of time.

Watching a movie recently I heard this quote:

'The problem with time, I've learned... (is that) eventually time always runs out'.

It does - our lives here on earth are but a moment, a mere vapour.

'...With the Lord a day is like a thousand years, and a thousand years are like a day' ~2 Peter 3:8

'A thousand years in your sight are like a day that has just gone by, or like a watch in the night' ~Psalm 90:4

What does that mean: 'a watch in the night'?

God is eternal - He isn't boxed into time. There is no time in eternity. Therefore we must not judge his ways of working and timing, by our own standards.

'That has just gone by'; rather, as it goes by. And like a watch in the night.

When you wake in the morning, after a good night's sleep, the night seems to have gone in a moment.

Time is precious.

I guess after today, it offically is not a 'New Year' anymore. Before we know it, it'll be Christmas and a 'New Year' again...
'Time is the deposit we have in the bank of God, but only He knows the balance'

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